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Thiruvananthapuram District Profile
Akshaya District Office Trivandrum started in 2007.
Akshaya District Office Trivandrum started in 2007.
In Trivandrum currently 252 Akshaya Centres are functioning and providing various Services like E-district ,Aadhaar, Kiosk Banking, KNRK, Ration Card, K-Smart, Passport, PAN Card, e-Grantz, Food Safety, CMO-CMDRF, Jeevan Pramaan Social Security Pension Mustering, MVD, KEAM, T-Grantz, EPF, Other Online Utitliy Payment services, etc.
Akshaya District office is located at most convenient location in the heart of capital City where KSRTC Bus station and Railway station are just 1 -2 Km far, Secretariat and other public offices is also within a reach.
The staff strength of the district office is 7, which includes 1 District Project Manager DeGS, 1 Assistant Project Co-ordinator (AC -i/c), 3 Block Coordinators, 1 Data entry operator and 1 Casual Sweeper. Coordination, administration and day to day of all works related to the Project and Office are doing by these staffs.
District Office also acts as a point of contact and public information centre for various services through Akshaya .
1. 2013- 5 state Awards. Intel ,CHIAK, E-grantz,Ration card, e-Filing.
2. 2015- Election Webcasting
3. 2015-ReLis Online Pokkuvaravu.
4. 2015-16 - Kiosk Banking
5. 2015- e-Health Project (Pilot)
6. 2019- Successfully completed Election Webcasting process for General Election to HPCs 2019.
7. 2019 – LAC Bye Election Webcasting – Vattiyoorkavu LAC
8. 2021 - LAC Election Webcasting
9. 2022- Won 2nd Prize for the “Best Service Stall” in Govt’s 1st Anniversary Program
10. 2023- Ooru Sajjam ABCD camp successfully completed for ST populations.
11. 2023- Won 1st Prize for the “Best Service Stall” in Govt’s 2nd Anniversary Program
12. 2023- More than 50 Aadhaar camps successfully conducted in District
13. 2024- Aadhaar services provided to more than 300 EPIP- category beneficiaries
14. 2024- Successfully completed candidate’s verification process in KEAM 2024 CBT online exam
15. 2024 Dec- Successfully conducted camp in collaboration with NORKA Officials for NORKA Membership & Arrear Collection process
District Contact Details
Opposite RMS
Kerala, India - 695001