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Palakkad District Profile
Akshaya District Project Office started functioning from 7 th July 2007.
The Office is located in FRIENDS Janasevana Kendram Bldg,Civil Station, Palakkad. The office works with the joint effort of 7 staffs with District Project Manager.
A total of 271 Akshaya centres are situated all across Palakkad District. Being the largest district,the number of Akshaya centres are still being increased with the motive of providing more citizen centric services to public. All possible G2C as well as B2C services are provided by the Akshaya entrepreneurs to public to the maximum possible extend with full hearted dedication.
District Profile:-Assisstant Project Co-ordinator(General)(1 no), Project Assisstant(1 no),Data Entry operator (2 nos), Block Co-ordinator(1 nos), Office boy(1 no), Casual sweeper (1 no).
1. Award received from District Collector for Janasambarkaparipadi.
2. Palakkad ranks First in terms of e- District performance.
3. Stands at First position based on total number of e -District transactions.
4. Best performing district for the year 2014-15 delivering maximum services to common people through Akshaya.
5. IRIS programme was implemented in district in association with INTEL. The programme aimed at promoting inventions and innovations among students and youth in India.
6. Mother and Child records Data entry work was implemented through Akshaya centres in association with NRHM.
7. First position in the number of Farmers registrations.
8. RSBY,Chiak registration has been conducting through Akshaya centres for last few years.
9. Completed 100% Adhar enrollment in Palakkad district.
10. Actively participated in election webcasting process of 130 sensitive polling booths during Kerala Legislative Assembly Election 2016.
District Contact Details
FRIENDS Janasevana Kendram Bldg,Civil Station
Kerala, India - 678001